Appendix A: References


The cloudsql package discussed on Google Cloud Platform site. Has code fragments for the Ziutek mymysql and Go-My-SQL Driver packages.

Go By Example shows brief, complete example programs for every major Go language construct. Each example program is on a page of its own. Complete comments and output are all shown. A treasure. This is pure Go and doesn't discuss database or web issues.

Go database/sql package source code itself.

Go database/sql tutorial is an easy read yet contains much definitive information you overlook at your peril. For example, you shoudn't open and close databases frequently.

Go Meetups: Building an app from scratch (video) shows the creation of a Go app using App Engine, AngularJS, and the Meetup API. Slides from the talk are at AppSpot and the code is on Github.

Google Groups cloud-logging-announce is the place Google designated for Google Cloud SQL status announcements.

Making a RESTful JSON API in Go (TheNewStack) is a good intermediate guide to creating a simple, usable web service in Go. There are 9 versions of the code on Github, offering useful insights into the progression of a Go project.

The MySQL command-line tool is the exhaustive, official documentation for the mysql command, which you'll use frequently.

Practical Persistence in Go: SQL Databases by Alex Edwards is a blog entry with a complete application showing how to use Go with PostgreSQL. There is no web interface at all, which confused me at first. Much better that way if all you need to is the essential code for accessing an existing database. It does not go into any details at all about regarding creation of the database.

Writing Web Applications in the Go/Golang wiki is a well-written tutorial showing how to create a sample, flat-file based Wiki. An excellent introduction to creating Go web applications.

Google Cloud SQL

Google Groups cloud-logging-announce is the place Google designated for status announcements.

Test-Driven Development

Best article I've seen on TDD is 5 Questions Every Unit Test must Answer. It is slightly Javascript-oriented but provides a clear, compelling, and brief TDD strategy. An executive summary on how to use Go's reflect package is relevant here and can be found on stackoverflow.

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